Is life coaching worth it? 4 Reasons to Employ a Coach

Is life coaching worth it? That’s a little bit like asking how long is a piece of string. No two people, coaches or problems are the same. However, with the right attitude and choice of coach, it is worth every penny! One of the most important things to remember though is that coaching requires you to want to change. Without your desire to change and commitment to the process you and your coach will have a pretty tricky time.


Is life coaching worth it? Big Changes

Life coaching is all about change or growth. Whether that is a career change, confidence, menopause or whether to start a family, a coach can help you navigate the change.

Any big change is likely to cause stress and anxiety or make you question whether you really ‘need’ to change. Unlike a friend or relative who might just agree with you to make you feel better, or try to push their own agenda, a coach will act as an unbiased, non-judgemental sounding board. They’re also trained* in various techniques and can run you through different exercises or just ask questions in way that will help you see the possibilities, bonuses and potential pitfalls of making a change.

*(always make sure you’re using a fully trained coach!! Sadly the industry is still unregulated which means there are a LOT of coaches out there with no formal training or just a couple of days on an online course)

Career Change

Take career change for example. You might be feeling unfulfilled, bored, or unappreciated in your current role or there might be a more positive reason for wanting to jump ship like discovering a new passion. A coach can help you identify what you need from a role, how you excel and under which conditions, what your ideal working pattern looks like and the roles you might like to apply for. If there is something holding you back a coach can help you work through that too.


Is life coaching worth it? Life vision

We used to think that success meant lots of money, a big house and a flashy car but thankfully we now recognise that success is a very individual thing. For some success will be working minimal hours for the right amount of pay to enable a life on a small holding, for others it might be travelling for 6 months of the year and for someone else being able to put their child through private education. So how does a coach help with this? The right coach will be able to facilitate you in defining what your ideal life (or 5/10/15 years) looks like. Ensuring that the ‘ideal’ is actually possible and help you start to make a plan for how to create that life.


For some people finding and defining their purpose is a really important part of their life vision and by working with a coach who can tap into your many life experiences, skills and passions, you can clearly define your purpose.


Is life coaching worth it? Achieving goals

Coaching is for confidence, communication, career change, decision making and a whole heap of other things but it can also (regularly) be about goal setting and how to achieve goals. Often the coach acts as an accountability partner ensuring the coachee stays on track and is working their way towards the goal or through a to do list.

A coach can also help you create a roadmap to your goal. Many people know what the absolute goal might be (although if you don’t that’s a great place to start) but the enormity of it stops them working towards it or worse they start and give up as it becomes ‘unachievable’ or ‘too far in the future’. A good coach will help you identify smaller milestones and performance goals which you can work towards in the short term. By breaking down your big goal into little steps you will get a frequent sense of achievement and more motivation to continue.

Is life coaching worth it? ADHD

This one is close to my heart and has become a bit of a specialism for me, but this isn’t about me this is about coaching in general. So is coaching worth it as someone with ADHD…….HELL YES! From accountability to planning, thought unpicking to habit creation, a coach with specialist training or personal experience can assist you in creating a life / career that works for you. Finding a coach that can think differently and allow you the time to try a few things each session can help you find clarity and reach answers. It can be hard for people without experience of ADHD to keep up with your thoughts or to understand when you say ‘it doesn’t work like that for me’, a coach can help ensure that you not only get heard but also help you create structures and plans that work, and allow you the space to change them if needed.


Life coaching is worth it

Life coaching is worth the money and time for many different questions and conundrums from defining purpose to creating working practices to help you in your job. We always come back to the same question though – are you ready to change? If the answer is yes, what are you waiting for, book an introductory session today!


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